Interactive Map
Use the interactive map below to zoom in for more detailed views of the OYO Portland courses. Hide routes or make them appear by clicking on the buttons (5K, 10K, Half Marathon, or Marathon) at the bottom of the map. The green Woman | Man icons represent the locations of restrooms, and the green water faucet icons represent the locations of drinking fountains. The numbers represent mile markers for each race distance.
Route Descriptions

5K: The 5K route leaves the Start/Finish line and runs north on Bond Ave. Upon reaching the Marquam (I-5) Bridge, the course connects onto the Waterfront Park Trail and continues north until reaching Morrison St, at which point it crosses through the park and turns south using the Better Naito lane. The course then crosses the Hawthorne Bridge using the bridge's north pedestrian path.
Once on the east side of the river, the route briefly runs north on the Eastbank Esplanade and then loops back to the south using Salmon St and Madison St.The course then runs south on the Eastbank Esplanade, passes OMSI, and uses the Tilikum Crossing Bridge to return to the west side. The race finishes by re-entering the east patio to return to the Start/Finish line.
10K: The 10K leaves the Start/Finish line and runs north on Bond Ave. Upon reaching the Marquam (I-5) Bridge, the course connects onto the Waterfront Park Trail and continues north to the Steel Bridge, and uses that bridge's lower pedestrian deck to cross to the east side of the river. Once on the east side of the river, the route runs south on the Eastbank Esplanade and then uses the Tilikum Crossing Bridge to return to the west side.
Upon completing this first loop, the course then retraces its steps north on Bond Ave and the Waterfront Park Trail until reaching the Hawthorne Bridge. It then crosses the Hawthorne Bridge using the south pedestrian path and runs south on the Eastbank Esplanade to once again use the Tilikum Crossing Bridge to return to the west side. The race finishes by re-entering the east patio to return to the Start/Finish line.
Half Marathon: The Half Marathon exactly follows the 10K route until reaching the Tilikum Crossing Bridge for the first time. At that point, the course exits the Eastbank Esplanade and connects onto the Springwater on the Willamette Trail. It runs south on the Springwater and then uses the Sellwood Bridge to return to the west side.
Once on the west side, the course follows the river north on the greenway trail through Willamette Park all the way to the South Waterfront. It then continues up Moody Ave and crosses the Tilikum Crossing Bridge. Upon reaching the east side, the route runs north on the Eastbank Esplanade past OMSI and uses the southern pedestrian path of the Hawthorne Bridge to return to the west Waterfront.
The course then runs south on the Waterfront Park Trail and Bond Ave towards Tilikum Crossing. The race finishes by re-entering the east patio to return to the Start/Finish line.
Marathon: The first half of the marathon is completed by following the exact half marathon course (see above). Upon reaching mile 13.1 and completing the half marathon, the marathon course turns and runs the same course in reverse order. Thus, the second half of the marathon is the exact opposite of the first half.
Fluids & Nutrition Drop Spots

The black and white letters in the map below represent suggested locations for self-supported nutrition drops. The green Woman | Man icons represent the locations of restrooms, and the green water faucet icons represent the locations of drinking fountains along the route. Depending on how often you require hydration, it may be entirely possible to complete your race without having to carry your own bottle or pack, instead relying on the drinking fountains along the route.
Drinking fountains are located at the following mile markers for each race. The OYO app provides audible alerts to inform you when you are approaching a drinking fountain.
5K (3 fountains): Miles 0.5, 0.7, and 1.8.
10K (9 fountains): Miles 0.5, 0.7, 1.2, 1.6, 1.7, 2.7, 3.1, 4.5, and 4.7.
Half Marathon (11 fountains): Miles 0.5, 0.7, 1.2, 1.6, 1.7, 2.7, 3.1, 8.5, 8.7, 12.4, and 12.6.
Marathon (22 fountains): All fountains listed above for the half marathon, plus miles 13.6, 13.8, 17.5, 17.7, 23.1, 23.5, 24.5, 24.6, 25.0, 25.5, and 25.7.
Due to the self-supported nature of this event, aid stations will not be provided on course beyond the public drinking fountains. Runners must provide their own nutrition if they desire it. The map below suggests various drop spots should you wish to "stash" some nutrition along the course prior to your race. Any nutrition stashed along the course is done so at the risk of it being stolen or tampered with by the public.Littering on the course will not be tolerated. Please throw away or pack out any garbage or recyclables you bring with you. There are numerous receptacles along the course.
If you do not wish to stash your nutrition along the course prior to your race, other options for support include carrying your nutrition with you, having a supporter meet you at certain spots along the route, or having a supporter bike alongside you carrying your nutrition.
Restrooms: There are very few restroom facilities located along the course. These are marked by the green Woman | Man icons in the map below. Runners are encouraged to take care of any last-minute restroom needs prior to arriving at the start line.
Getting Familiar with the Course

Although most of the course is easy enough to follow, there are several forks and turns you'll want to be aware of. You'll find these areas marked in the maps below. There is a separate map for each race distance. Each area of interest is notated by a colored marker.
Green: These directives are fairly self-explanatory and obvious.
Yellow: Potentially confusing areas worth double checking.
Red: These directives are not obvious, and it's extremely important to know these areas before starting your race.
Use the maps below by clicking on the green, yellow, and red markers along the course. A brief explanation will appear to describe the directive at the selected location.
The OYO app will give you audible turn-by-turn directives as you near each of these markers during your race. If, however, you choose not to listen to these directives in the OYO app, it's important to study the course and know the turn-by-turn directions before your race.